Saturday, June 29, 2019

"Would You be my Neighbor?": 5 Ways to be a Good Neighbor in East Hills

Here are 5 ways that you can help to promote good neighborliness and a greater sense of community in East Hills:

  1. Reach out with a helping hand to your neighbors - While a friendly wave and a morning greeting are a great start, are there ways that you can reach out and offer help and assistance to your neighbors? Perhaps you noticed that their lawn is longer than usual, perhaps they haven't taken in their trash carts for a few days. Maybe this is an opportunity to see if everything is OK and to offer help and assistance, because they may be tackling a medical issue or facing a family emergency of which you are unaware. This is the art of being a good neighbor! And while you may find out about new cultures and different foods, you may also discover that your neighbor is there for you when you have an emergency.
  2. Be familiar with the HOA covenants - the covenants are there to ensure that the we all observe some basic rules and responsibilites to ensure that the neighborhood adheres to certain standards. They cover everything from maintaining a weed-free lawn, to architectural standards around what can be built and what cannot. It is important that you familiarize yourself with the HOA covenants and ensure that you are observing them. If you do not have a hard copy, I will be happy to send one to you ( or you can view them online here:
  3. Talk face-to-face when issues arise - Disagreements can often be resolved most effectively through simple discussion. A neighbor may not be aware that something they have done is causing an incovenience or a problem to you. You may be doing them a favor by bringing it to their attention in a calm and neighborly way that fosters a dialog, rather than a dispute.
  4. Be considerate and think ahead - When you think that something might cause an issue for your neighbor, perhaps because of noise, or because you will be having a number of visitors, you can reach out and give advanced notice to your neighbors. Nobody wants to stop your graduation party, or your birthday celebration, but telling the neighbor that there may be some temporary noise or disruption, will be appreciated by them and ensure that everyone stays on good terms.
  5. Involve yourself in the community - The East Hills Homeowners Association is run by neighbors, on behalf of the neighbors in the community. We are always looking for neighbors to get involved in things, whether it is the garage sale, the annual meeting, or joining the board. Playing an active and helpful part in the community is one of the most powerful ways to promote and develop this amazing neighborhood in which we are fortunate to live.

If you have any questions, or you would like to get more involved in the neighborhood, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Will Trevor
HOA President

For all the latest news and information, don't forget to join the East Hills Home Owners Association Facebook group:

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